Posted by: debstake | January 4, 2012

Rick Santorum

Being a life (I am 50)  long resident of Pennsylvania and seeing that Santorum tied with Mitt Romney in the Iowa caucus I feel I must speak up now. HERE are the basics on the man. He claims to be a conservative but his VOTING RECORD and this VIDEO  show him for what he really is; someone who has no problem spending others money. Remind you of anyone? I could think of two presidents in recent history who had/have no problem spending our money and lying about it to boot.

Another thing that gets me is what is known in Pennsylvania as “Cybergate”. Basically while living in VA with his family he was having his home school district in Penn Hills (outside of Pittsburgh) foot the bill for educating five of his six children (seven now) to the tune of $100,00.00. The story can be found HERE.

But my biggest issue with Santorum goes to his ability to debate without throwing a tantrum when he comes off bad. THIS is a perfect example of that kind of behavior. And HERE is another. I can’t imagine Santorum going up against Obama. Obama would eat him alive and Santorum would do what he is known for, getting emotional and throwing a tantrum. I would be willing to bet that Obama will get re-elected if the other choice is Santorum. AND this is the reason I write this blog, to keep Obama from being re-elected by keeping Santorum out of the race all together.


  1. Do you mind if I published this post on my web page? I would give you credit and a link back to your site. Appreciate it, and if possible let me know here!

  2. I don’t mind at all. People need to know who the presidential hopefuls are.

  3. @Fellag, may I ask which facts you are questioning?

  4. I have a tendency to concur, although I am not positive about some of your facts

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